Captain Dapper loves to people watch.
As I write this I'm sitting in Chicago's Midway Airport waiting for my flight to New York. I tend to arrive obscenely early for my flights. They say you should arrive to the airport one hour before a domestic flight but I'm more likely to arrive two to two-and-a-half hours before mine. For one thing, I don't like to be rushed and you never know how long the security line will be these days. And, besides, I don't mind having extra time to kill at the airport. There may be no better place to people watch than here.
I'm a people watcher from way back. It's probably something I inherited from my dad and grandmother, both of whom can sit for hours on their front porches and watch people and cars passing by. I'm not much of a porch sitter (I'm far too engrossed in projects when I'm home) and that's probably one of the reasons I like people watching in airports and train stations as much as I do.
One of the things I've noticed while killing time this morning is how very casual people dress when they travel. Flips flops and pajama bottoms, sweat pants and Uggs ... it all makes me say UGH! Does it really take that much more effort to put on pants with pockets and closed toe shoes? Yes, I know you have to remove your shoes and belt and such at security, but it's not too much of an inconvenience to actually wear presentable clothes.
It's times like this when I long for the days of glamorous travel. To look around the airport and see women in hats and gloves and men in suits would so refreshing in this hyper casual world. Since that's not possible, I try to lead by example. I'm not wearing a bow tie today but I am wearing nice pants and shoes, a shirt and a jacket. And you know what? I'm still quite comfortable. I don't need to be wearing pajamas and flip flops to feel at home. In fact, if I were wearing pajamas and sandals right now I would feel extremely UNcomfortable!
So what about you, dear reader? What do you wear when you travel?
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