
Dapper Tunes: Lana Del Rey's Born to Die
A Remembrance for Friends We've Loved and Lost

I woke this morning to the news of a friend's unexpected death. We weren't close friends but, thanks to Facebook and other modern technology, I felt like I knew him quite well. His Facebook posts often made me laugh — whether he was posting photo mashups of Miley twerking with the Golden Girls, clever insights into pop culture or sharing snapshots of his life with his partner and their adorable dog. I suppose that's one of the great things about modern social media: we can become deeply connected to people we may not see often but who we share many experiences with.

My thoughts go out to this man's family. Deaths are always devastating for loved ones. It doesn't matter whether the person is 30 or 90, knowing that you'll never see them again is heartbreaking. But of course when the person is younger their death feels even more cruel. It makes you want to rush out and tell every single person in your life that you love them. It makes you want to quit your job and give up everyday stresses so that you can enjoy every waking minute with the people you love. It makes you want to spin some sort of cocoon that will protect your loved ones from harm so you can keep them in your life forever.

As always, being touched by a death is a huge reminder to enjoy life. It's so easy to think about doing things in the future, pushing them off and thinking there will always be another day. It's easy to think that we'll all live forever but, sadly, we were all born to die.

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