
Dapper Flashback: I Was a Childhood Michael Jackson Fan

Captain Dapper was a Michael Jackson fan from way back.

It's hard to believe that today marks the fourth anniversary of Michael Jackson's untimely death at the age of 50. He may have become a joke in later years but he was the definition of pop culture in the 1980's.

Yes, the photo above is your very own Captain Dapper at 7 or 8-years-old proudly wearing his Michael Jackson fan button in a school photo. Back then, I thought Michael Jackson could moonwalk on water and I wore that button everywhere. This was back in the Thriller album days - before Jackson started the slow descent into full on crazy. From his gravity defying dance moves to the groundbreaking music videos, I was completely in awe of Michael Jackson back then. How in awe? Let's just say that this blonde haired white boy begged his mother to give him a perm so her could emulate Jackson's jhei curls. I did get the perm but, of course, I didn't quite achieve the look. I resembled a blonde Orphan Annie more than Michael Jackson.

The funny things is, I had totally forgotten that I had worn the button to school on picture day. It had become such a part of my daily attire that it was practically invisible to me. It wasn't until the pictures came back months later that I noticed it. Or, rather, that my brother noticed it. Five years older than me, my brother was always a cool kid while I veered more toward nerdy fanboy. He was absolutely aghast that I had worn the button in my school photo. It was so girly and silly to wear a Michael Jackson button, he informed me. It wasn't until that moment that I felt shame for it. It wasn't until he pointed it out to me that I noticed that the other boys were wearing football jerseys and t-shirts in their photos.

My appreciation for Michael Jackson waned by the late 80's. For a period in my teen years I was embarrassed by this 4th grade school photo. By the early 90's I had shunned pop music completely and dived fully into grunge. It was around that time that I stopped wearing concert t-shirts and clothes with logos and brand names - something I still don't do to this day.

I started listening to Michael Jackson again by the mid-90's, although I could see by then that he was starting to become a one trick pony. He definitely peaked as an artist with the Off the Wall and Thriller albums but he was undoubtedly a master of flash and spectacle.

Looking back at the photo today, I love that I wore my fandom on my chest that day. It's a great reminder of a place and time, of the boy that I used to be, which helped create the man I have become. I'm just thanking my perm had grown out by the time school photos were taken that year!

Image: Jason Loper

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